1.30 calculate percentage yield

It is not always possible to get the calculated amount of product in a reaction

The percentage yield can be calculated:
Percentage yield is the ratio of actual mass of products obtained compared to the maximum theoretical mass. Percentage yield = 100 x actual mass divided by theoretical mass

The actual yield is the mass of the product made when the reaction is carried our for real.
The theoretical yield is the maximum mass of the product of the reactants.

To calculate theoretical yield:
1. Use molar mass of reactant to convert grams of reactant to moles of reactant
2. Use the mole ratio between reactant and product to convert moles reactant to moles product
3. Use the molar mass of the product to convert moles product to grams of product

A 100% yield means it all reacted and no product has been lost

Loss may occur in:
  • Filtering
  • Evaporating
  • Transferring liquids

Not all reactants react to make the product


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